PTC Offers a Range of Other Services Face-to-Face as well as Virtual.
We have an active and extensive range of study courses based on counselling, coaching, and personal development. We also conduct regular workshops and seminars based on topical themes and popular demand, focused on areas where people wish to be informed and better educated.
We also consider requests for specific topic seminars based on high-demand areas.
Functional Therapy Operates On a Two-Way Process and, At Two Levels
Ronelle has completed her Postgraduate Diploma in Functional Therapy/Life Coaching and her certification as a Negative Emotional Therapy Practitioner.
1. We work through a process of healing, which may cover a broad range of issues, depending on personal circumstances.
2. When the healing process has been achieved, we then focus on the path to recovery and personal growth and development.
Our approach is to ensure we achieve a successful and collaborative relationship with you. This will enable us to nurture and develop key life skills, create and develop the necessary tools and skills for you or your child to discover how to manage your situation and your life in a way that compliments your needs and aspirations. We ensure appropriate coaching is achieved through healing therapy and a range of teaching skills. Through natural conversational engagement, we develop a path that can apply healing, change, and growth which will provide you with solution-focused, life-enhancing change. We apply this at a pace you are comfortable with and in complete confidence. Details of the service methods will be provided when we have the opportunity to discuss this with you. Once we discover how you are currently functioning, only then are we able to identify the challenges you are facing and the solutions to embark on.
Pastoral Counselling (Face-to-Face & Virtual)
Ronelle has completed her Doctoral Degree in Theology within the discipline of Biblical Counselling, with her Thesis being on Dependency and Co-dependency at The Therapon University.
Any long-standing, difficult, or fearful situations as well as feeling that we have lost hope, trying, and failing need hope. It does not stop there because when we get older, we believe that we are too old to change, but we still need hope. Depression, suicidal thoughts, and life-shattering experiences need hope.
When we go through grief over the loss of someone that has died, divorce, when adultery has happened, even when we move or change a job we need hope. There are so many issues that we can mention, they all need hope.
We need wise counsel to pivot us towards the right path and to help us to get onto the right road. There are powerful step-by-step solutions within God’s Word and He, the Lord is our helper as His Word tells us, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
Brain Profiling (Face-to-Face & Virtual)
Ronelle is an accredited NBI Practitioner.
The way that we think affects the way we do things. Brain instruments will help us develop strategies to sustain creativity and positive thinking in our personal and professional life. You will also be able to identify the essence of your problems and apply creative solutions immediately.
Brain profiling gives an indication of how we communicate; act towards other people or in certain situations; do business; learn; teach; would manage a certain career; solve problems, and make decisions.
It enables us to develop effective teams; resolve conflicts in our personal and professional life; receive the best guidance in choosing a new career; improve the level of creativity and leadership in our business; select the best-suited employees for new positions; retain valuable employees; choose the best course of study, and develop the whole-brain mental edge in our sport.
Career Planning (Face-to-Face & Virtual)
Ronelle is qualified within Career Planning incorporating Ecometric Assessments, Values, Leadership Qualities as well as Brain profiling.
Interest has become the most important trait used in occupational selection. Although personality is related to occupational choice, the strength of the relationship is not as strong as the relationship between career success and measured interest. People need to effectively express themselves and their values through their career choices. In the career, decision-making process values comprise a primary determinant of career choice, therefore, the ideal career choice will be a work environment where your values are present.
Coaching (Face-to-Face & Virtual)
Ronelle has completed her Certificate in Life Coaching and Transformation Coaching.
Our method of coaching is to engage with you through direct conversation. We do not make any assumption on what it is you, your partner or your child may need for personal development. Our relationship is established based on our ability to communicate collaboratively with each other and by identifying and agreeing on the areas where you wish to change, develop or enhance.
For example, if you were due to give a speech to a large group of people but had never spoken publicly before, and it was causing you high levels of anxiety, we would be able to help you with this. We would work with you to break down the barriers you face and provide you with the tools that will enable you to develop a successful approach and plan to speak publicly. Whether you are an adult, or if this is for your son or daughter preparing for their Graduation speech; we can help you with this.
A range of the key services we provide within Coaching techniques can be viewed “here“. Details of the service methods will be provided when we have the opportunity to discuss this with you. Once we discover your needs, only then are we able to identify the solutions to address them.
Counselling through Play Intervention
When a child plays it has much meaning to them as they express themselves through the toys they use to verbalise what they ordinarily would not be able to express through words. They also will express through play that which they sometimes are taken to task for expressing in words. Therefore, play during the therapeutic process is crucial in a child expressing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
In order to aid the process further, we might introduce one of our Child Functioning Inventory Assessments, bringing us much closer to a resolute.
We assist further should there be any indication of a lack of concentration or hyperactivity then we might introduce our Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Rating Scale (ADHRS), where we look at Inattention, Hyperactivity, as well as Impulsiveness. Behaviour is determined in order to assist in referring for further assessment.
ADR Mediation (Face-to-Face & Virtual)
Ronelle is a mediator trained in family, commercial, and workplace mediation with ADR Network SA.
She assists in the drawing up of Settlement Agreements as well as Parental Plans.
Ecometry (Face-to-Face & Virtual)
Ronelle is a qualified Ecometrist having her Postgraduate Certificate within Ecometric Assessments offering a variety of Assessments.
Ecometrics focuses on the dynamic interaction between you and your environment. It aims to identify specific resources that are strong and can be used to help you to overcome problems. It further helps to identify the lack of resources within your interactions in your environment. These resources can be within your social environment, like a partner, a friend, or other social networks; or it can be personal resources, like positive or negative behavior and coping skills. It further helps to identify resources that can be of value to bring you into contact with these resources.
Our different types of assessments will assist regarding the following:
- To improve the quality of your life by evaluating your present functioning and making recommendations for the future.
- Financial Management – How we handle our finances as individuals determine the prosperity of our families, communities, and nation. This assessment determines how we control our finances, how we plan our finances and gives us insight into our personal qualities. Completing this assessment is the first step in determining those areas within our lives that need attention in order to improve the management of our finances.
- Corporate Behavioural Screening – How does your employee experience their environment within your business?
- Eating Disorder Dynamics and much more …
Alternative Well-being
We offer alternative therapies as follows:
Ronelle is an Accelerated Practitioner in Audio-Visual Stimulation (AVS), providing tailor-made solutions for:
Children struggling at school with ADD & ADHD issues; and not only for children but adults too having issues with the following: Stress & Back Pain; Low Self-Esteem; Sleeping better; Depression; Physical Sickness; Stress and Back pain, and so much more …
Rife Therapy is also provided as an alternative.