Career Planning / Subect Choicess (All sessions included)


Interest has become the most important trait used in occupational selection. Although personality is related to occupational choice, the strength of the relationship is not as strong as the relationship between career success and measured interest. Furthermore, due to the interplay between values, interest, and ability, it is only necessary to measure two of these since the third is always a function of the other two. The Career Planning Assessment therefore only measures work values and interests.

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Section A: Your Fields of Interest gives you a hierarchy of your personal fields of interest.

Section B: Work Values gives you a hierarchy of your work values that maps your uniqueness as an individual. Your work values are:

  • your private, personal and individual belief system
  • one of the most important tools to discover how a person works
  • like the CPU on a computer – they govern your entire lifestyle

Values can be defined as needs that serve as standards for judging one’s own behavior as well as the behavior of others. They are the major factor in motivation because they form the basis for attributing worth to situations and objects. Values are formed into value systems. In effect, values denote the needs of people in their jobs. Values provide individuals with a view of where they want to be in the future and therefore make up the most important determinant of career and life goals. People need to effectively express themselves and their values through their career choices. In the career, decision-making process values comprise a primary determinant of career choice.

The top eight values are your primary motivators and need to be present in your work environment. The bottom eight values are your de-motivators and will de-motivate you if present in your work environment. Therefore, the ideal career choice will be a work environment where your top eight work values are present and the bottom eight values are absent.